Aerial Silks or Aerial Yoga?
If you have been into the studio you will have noticed some exciting new things hanging from the ceiling (sometimes even with people attached). We have installed new aerial silks and 18 aerial hammocks to the studio to increase the offering and bring an exciting new selection of events to the studio!
We want to clarify a few things with you first!
Aerial Yoga uses the 18 hammocks and can be done one of two ways: with the hammock at hip height or at shin height. These classes allow your weight to be supported in standing poses, balance poses and certain seated poses allowing for an exploration into your own range of movement that may not be possible when on the yoga mat along. With the weight supported, certain inversions can be safely explored and restorative poses achieved in a way that allows for a deeper stretch and greater relaxation. These classes and workshops are open to everyone and you can see them on the timetable. You don’t need to attend a course first, just come along and have fun!*
Aerial Yoga | Hammock
Aerial Silks is a very exciting addition to our courses. Aerial Silks are the 7 meter long fabrics hanging from the centre beam. We have four of these and can only use them one at a time with crash mats. These courses build your strength, knowledge of the skill and confidence in using the silks towards developing this art form. Each class will begin with warm up, stretches and conditioning to help you build stamina. These are 3-week courses and are a blast! Expect a lot of fun and laughs!
Aerial Silk
We hope this has cleared some things up! See you in class!
*(Aerial Hammock is limited to 13 stone weight. Restorative Workshops for Aerial Hammock 15 stone).